Very excited to be taking part in the #petitsfilousfirsts challenge with @BritMums. They’re a firm favourite with Penelope and now Laurence can enjoy them too. The new My First Petits Filous are perfect for 6+ months and are low sugar as well as super yummy (I had to check, of course). They’re vanilla flavoured which Larry absolutely adores and carries the added bonus of not staining any clothes! As much fun as weaning is, it’s so messy. Larry loves blueberries and raspberries but the stains are so difficult to remove! These are also great for on the go. We pack them in the lunch box before we head out to the park and it’s a fab snack. We now know to take extra as Penelope is in love with them too! They’re great for toddlers as well. 

My First Petits Filous is a low sugar, vanilla-flavour weaning fromage frais, designed to introduce children to fromage frais from 6 months. The main ingredient is milk and all ingredients are 100% naturally sourced, so parents can rest assured there are no artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners or added preservatives. Not only is My First Petits Filous delicious, it has calcium and protein to help children develop strong bones from an early age and the low sugar content reassures parents that their child will maintain a balanced diet during weaning.

The past nine months has been packed full of ‘firsts’ for Laurence. From opening his eyes for the first time to cutting his first teeth and trying solids for the very first time. He took to solid food like a fish to water and will chomp down on pretty much anything. The little guy is happy with a plate full of broccoli! But, it makes me happy knowing that he can enjoy My First Petits Filous with the added bonus that it contains calcium and protein to ensure he continues to grow strong and healthy! 

Last month, my favourite ‘first’ for Laurence was his first time on the swings at the park. His little face lit up and he was so happy he was able to join his sister, finally! 

I’m looking forward to the next nine months and watching lots more ‘firsts’. There’s going to be plenty of exciting ones like walking and talking, and I’m sure he’ll continue to enjoy My First Petits Filous for all of those too.

This post is an entry for BritMums #PetitsFilousFirsts Linky Challenge, sponsored by Petits Filous


Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs