

Care for Rare


June 2016

Smile Back

Wrigley’s Extra have just released their first children’s storybook called The Lost Smile as part of their Extra Smile Back charity campaign, and I have 10 copies to give away.
The book is a lovely story about a little boy who realises his family aren’t smiling anymore, and so goes on a smile hunt to find them. The aim of the storybook is to remind parents about the power of a child’s smile and the importance of protecting it.

Penelope loves The Lost Smile

The Extra Smile Back Project aims to protect children’s smiles by donating money from every pack of sugarfree gum sold during the promotional period to charity partner Action for Children. The monies will be used to create and run oral health workshops, endorsed by the Oral Health Foundation. With this activity Wrigley aims to protect the smiles of over 10,000 children and 5,000 parents across the UK.



Research conducted by Wrigley’s has revealed what parents already know – that it’s still the simple pleasures in life that make our children smile. Forget technology – pulling silly faces (44%), reading stories (28%) and playing hide and seek (27%) remain the best and simplest ways of putting a smile on a child’s face.

This is certainly true for Penelope and Laurence, they especially love story time, and it is guaranteed to put a smile on their faces!

If you’d like to win a copy of The Lost Smile simply comment ‘#smileback’ and I will choose ten people at random to receive one! It really is a lovely story to be enjoyed before the bedtime routine that includes teeth brushing! *Closes 30.06.16.

Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Quite Frankly She Said


Very excited to be taking part in the #petitsfilousfirsts challenge with @BritMums. They’re a firm favourite with Penelope and now Laurence can enjoy them too. The new My First Petits Filous are perfect for 6+ months and are low sugar as well as super yummy (I had to check, of course). They’re vanilla flavoured which Larry absolutely adores and carries the added bonus of not staining any clothes! As much fun as weaning is, it’s so messy. Larry loves blueberries and raspberries but the stains are so difficult to remove! These are also great for on the go. We pack them in the lunch box before we head out to the park and it’s a fab snack. We now know to take extra as Penelope is in love with them too! They’re great for toddlers as well. 

My First Petits Filous is a low sugar, vanilla-flavour weaning fromage frais, designed to introduce children to fromage frais from 6 months. The main ingredient is milk and all ingredients are 100% naturally sourced, so parents can rest assured there are no artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners or added preservatives. Not only is My First Petits Filous delicious, it has calcium and protein to help children develop strong bones from an early age and the low sugar content reassures parents that their child will maintain a balanced diet during weaning.

The past nine months has been packed full of ‘firsts’ for Laurence. From opening his eyes for the first time to cutting his first teeth and trying solids for the very first time. He took to solid food like a fish to water and will chomp down on pretty much anything. The little guy is happy with a plate full of broccoli! But, it makes me happy knowing that he can enjoy My First Petits Filous with the added bonus that it contains calcium and protein to ensure he continues to grow strong and healthy! 

Last month, my favourite ‘first’ for Laurence was his first time on the swings at the park. His little face lit up and he was so happy he was able to join his sister, finally! 

I’m looking forward to the next nine months and watching lots more ‘firsts’. There’s going to be plenty of exciting ones like walking and talking, and I’m sure he’ll continue to enjoy My First Petits Filous for all of those too.

This post is an entry for BritMums #PetitsFilousFirsts Linky Challenge, sponsored by Petits Filous


Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

The truth about having two under two

As it’s getting closer to Penelope’s second birthday, I’m thinking about how fast this past year has gone and just how hard it is having ‘two under two’! 

I found out I was expecting for the second time when Penelope was only six months old and couldn’t quite believe it! We had had a turbulent six months packed with lots of hospital visits, not to mention the first 6+ weeks she was here she was in NICU. To say that I was petrified would’ve been an understatement. But, we were very happy nonetheless. Penelope was going to become a big sister, to a little boy! 

Laurence arrived in August, via elective section and dad looked after Penelope while I recovered in hospital. Penelope was unsure what to make of Laurence when she visited him for the first time. She was only 14 months old after all. She gave him the gentlest of pats on the head and carried on about her business (colouring in Iggle Piggle). 

Everyone told us how great it is having babies so close together, they would be best of friends! I’m still waiting on that. Their relationship grows everyday but I can’t help but think that Penelope much prefers the company of our beagle on some days! However, there certainly are other benefits of having babies close together. We’re getting all the “messy” stuff out of the way in one block as opposed to waiting a few years and doing it all over again. By messy, I mean nappies, pee, poo, weaning, teething dribble and other leaky stuff too! I guess that could be considered a bonus, right?

But, there’s also some aspects that are decidedly difficult. Leaving the house takes approximately ten hours. Two lots of things to get ready, two babies to change and you can guarantee that one will have a sneaky poo just as you’re about to step out, two babies to feed beforehand; not to mention trying to entertain one whilst changing the other, which brings me to my next point. They both require my attention all of the time but there are few things that make them both happy, except Timmy Time, of course. Penelope likes crayons but they’re no good for a teeny baby. Laurence likes naps but that’s becoming increasingly harder with a noisy toddler around. Penelope likes dancing but Laurence can’t join in. Laurence likes me to read a book to him but when Penelope joins in she takes the book and runs off laughing! She’s also become quite territorial now and finds it hard to share. She takes all the toys and hands Laurence a packet of wipes! She likes a good ol’ tantrum if she catches him with one of her Peppa Pigs. 

Tandem prams are about as easy to manoeuvre as a big bag of rocks. Don’t get me wrong, I love our Oyster Max, but they don’t handle the curbs in the same way as a solo pram would. And there’s a lot of weight to push with very little room for a pram bag!

Minor injuries occur on a daily basis. I’ve lost count of the times Penelope has managed to clunk Laurence on the head with a toy. And he’s just as bad, he grabs her hair when she’s in proximity and she’s not a fan of it.

Bath time is total chaos. Fun, but chaos. Certainly a two man job. 

Any planned journey is nothing short of a military operation. 

Getting them to sync nap time was pretty much one of my greatest accomplishments to date. 

The wash load has increased significantly.

If they both decide to cry at the same time it’s probably more peaceful at a wrestling match.

But, would I have it any other way? Not a chance. Watching their relationship grow is the most precious thing I have ever known.


Mr and Mrs T Plus Three
Quite Frankly She Said

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