The reason I’ve been a tad quiet on the blog front is down to organising NICU bags for ‘Penelope and Friends’ (part of Mylo and Friends).

Lovely bibs from Nüby match some of the scratch mitts we received
We have received the most generous package from Nüby full of bottles and bibs to help parents who have babies in NICU with NG tubes establishing feeding. And, a package from NUK with sachets of bottle wash that will come in handy.

Lots of progress has been made on the logo, thanks to a very kind friend, but now I have the difficult task of deciding which one to use! (I would appreciate any opinions in the comments please ☺️).

I’ve also received the first of the bonding squares that have been kindly made by a great bunch of knitters we have on board. And nappies, scratch mitts and cotton wool have started flooding in too!

So, a great couple of weeks for Penelope and Friends. Next on the list is finding a printer ☺️
Big THANK YOU to all involved so far! Can’t wait to see this project take off, soon. 🚀🚀🚀
If you would like to get involved please contact me on the email address found in the Contact section. Thank you.

Mama Mim
You Baby Me Mummy
My Random Musings

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